About Nick Wise

Nick Wise is an innovative, strategic thinking ocean conservation and climate change leader. Over the past decade, Nick has informed important policy results that led to the protection of almost 4 million square kilometres of ocean and to a 30% reduction in demersal fishing effort in Thai fisheries.

Nick’s results-oriented and entrepreneurial approach has led to ongoing success on the water, preventing IUU fishing, preserving ocean ecosystems, protecting livelihoods, and reducing pollution. Nick’s collaborative and engaging approach has resulted in global partnerships that multiply impact for coastal communities.

As the CEO and founder of OceanMind, Nick’s charitable work takes him face-to-face with many of the issues hidden within supply chains today, including child labour, worker abuse, overfishing, habitat destruction, displacement of coastal communities, shark finning, marine pollution, and much more. This direct experience of helping to free slaves, enforcing marine regulations, identifying illegal activity, and verifying seafood traceability claims provides a unique perspective on how these practices occur out of sight and out of mind in the supply chain, and are common all around the world.

As one of the founding members of Climate TRACE, working with Former Vice President Al Gore, Nick also has a unique perspective on scope 3 emissions. The Climate TRACE coalition uses direct satellite observations and AI to monitor all human-caused GHG emissions, everywhere. A key finding of Climate TRACE is that under-reporting of emissions is rife throughout supply chains.

Since 2019, Nick has been a member of the Sustainable Finance Live Advisory Board, co-creating innovative ESG strategies for financial services to support responsible decision making. In 2021, Nick was named as a GLG Social Impact Fellow. In 2022, Nick led OceanMind to win a place on the Morgan Stanley Sustainable Solutions Collaborative, further refining actionable ESG strategic planning to measure supply chain impact on the environment and employ nature-based solutions for mitigation.

Nick has been engaged with various other Tech for Good initiatives, including AI for Earth, AI for Sustainability, Accounting for Sustainability, Change NOW, Building the Future, the Internet Governance Forum, and Chapter Zero. As a trustee of the Social Tech Trust, Nick works with sustainability social enterprises across a broad spectrum of social issues. As a DRK Foundation Social Entrepreneur, Nick is part of a global portfolio of purposeful organisations tackling planetary sustainability challenges under the UN SDG framework.

Shared Stewardship was born out of these experiences with the purpose of raising the visibility of these risks in the supply chain and to provide practical, effective solutions to prevent damage to people and planet through transparent and responsible business transformation. Nick now advises Shared Stewardship on best practices, hidden impacts, and how to protect future profits by addressing ESG risks now.